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Dubai Colouring for Mindfulness is a publishing edition of two books that continues the work initiated by Brusselssprout to create a visual and graphic compilation of Dubai and its time. It documents cultural patterning, visual vocabularies and iconic grammar through two compendia of colouring drawings that summarise the unique characteristics of the city. The first book, about Old Dubai, is a magical journey through its past, culture and antique tradition, while the second book, about New Dubai, is a fantastic excursion across its recent achievement and the future of the city. Each book contains more than 60 sketches for colouring that visually create a catalogue of Dubai’s buildings, people, dress, transport, animals and more, in a similar order to that in which a visitor would experience the city. 

Dubai Colouring for Mindfulness

  • Size 250 x 250 mm
    Extent :88 pages Soft cover
    RSP: 25 USD
    ISBN: 9-788409-055258
    Limited Edition: 1,200 copies 

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